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Ethos, Values & Vision

7 Children with arms out behind logo crest painted on the playground.Our ethos is one of consistent effort and commitment. We emphasise that hard work leads to success.  We work with parents to ensure that children who need additional support receive the help they need.

We believe that emotional well-being is integral to success in the classroom and influences academic performance and learning,

We are committed to developing a culture where Children can work independently and collaboratively and without fear of failure.

We believe that children should respect others, show an interest in the wider world and actively contribute to individuals and groups who are not as fortunate as themselves.

Our ethos can be summarised by the statement:

'Belong. Be Your Best. Be Bramhope.'


Belong at Bramhope

Sending your child to Bramhope means opportunities and a community feeling that extends beyond the School Day.

Rachel Cobourn talking to two children.At Bramhope our children are known – we develop strong relationships between teachers and children.  We want every child and parent and their whole families to feel part of school life.  Our school community is somewhere you feel proud to be a part of and belong to.  Our parents are committed to supporting their child's learning. We’ll let you know how you can support your children’s learning so you’re involved in every step of your child’s journey: read more about our 'Houses' system, get involved in school, become part of our active PTA, make the most of extra curricular opportunities and join in our wider community here.



Be your best at Bramhope

Our reputation for academic excellence is reflected in our end of key stage SATs results and regular, low-stakes testing from Year 1. 

However, our school is known for much more than our academic results; we place emphasis on the importance of reading and the core subjects of English and Maths, but are committed to providing children with a broad curriculum which encompasses specialist teaching and is led by teachers who are passionate about their subjects areas Teachers as subject leaders.  Outside of the school day children are encouraged to widen their learning by joining a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities.

We encourage our children to understand the connection between their learning behaviour and their accomplishments.  Our rewards system prioritises the effort that children have made.  We encourage our children to challenge themselves to work hard and be their best.



Be Bramhope

Strong foundations laid at primary school are fundamental for the rest of your life.

We want every child to positively represent Bramhope both inside and outside of the classroom.  Learning is enhanced through a range of school visits which take place from reception.   We regularly have visitors into school to inspire our children. 

Three children in the playground.We aim to provide our children with the confidence,  independence, self-motivation and work-ethic needed to succeed in their secondary school lives and beyond.  We celebrate the successes of our children and maintain close links with school leavers.

Children are given the opportunity to work together through our house system and contribute to their 'team' as well as being recognised for their personal achievement and effort.  They are given leadership opportunities through Bramhope Buddies, being a member of our School Council or by becoming a School Prefect in Year 6.  Our children develop a range of life skills during our Residential Trips in Years 5 and 6.

We encourage our children to give to others through one of our many initiatives or charity events.


School Vision


We are proud members of the Collaborative Learning Trust, find out more about our joint vision here.