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Year 2

Listed below are the home learning documents for Year 2, for wc 13 July

  1. Year 2 Home Learning Grid wc 13 July.pdf

  2. Y2 Maths Lesson-1-Telling-time-to-5-minutes.pdf

  3. Y2 Maths Lesson-1-Answers-Telling-time-to-5-minutes.pdf

  4. Y2 Maths Lesson-2-Hours-and-days.pdf

  5. Y2 Maths Lesson-2-Answers-Hours-and-days.pdf

  6. Y2 Maths Lesson-3-Find-durations-of-time.pdf

  7. Y2 Maths Lesson-3-Answers-Find-durations-of-time.pdf

  8. Y2 Maths Lesson-4-Compare-durations-of-time.pdf

  9. Y2 Maths Lesson-4-Answers-Compare-durations-of-time.pdf

  10. YEAR 2 READING KS 1 READING Paper 1 & 2 Mark Scheme 2018.pdf

  11. YEAR 2 READING KS1 READING BOOKLET to accompany Paper 2 2018.pdf

  12. YEAR 2 READING KS1 READING PAPER 2 Answer Booklet 2018.pdf


  14. Year 2 SPaG Paper 2 (SPaG 2018).pdf

  15. YEAR 2 SPaG 2018 ANSWERS (mark scheme).pdf

  16. Year 2 Spelling (SPaG 2018 Paper 1 spelling).pdf

  17. Year 2 Spelling administration (SPaG 2018).pdf

  18. CEW list Year 2.pdf

  19. CEW list Year 3.docx.pdf

  20. ENGLISH Summer Poem optional writing frame.pdf

  21. ENGLISH Summer Poem Thought Shower Sheet.pdf

  22. KS1 Geography - Activity 1.pdf

  23. KS1 Geography - Extension activity.pdf

  24. KS1 Music activity.pdf

  25. KS1 RE How do we show we care.docx.pdf

  26. KS1 RE How do we show we care.pdf

  27. SCIENCE Optional sheet Changes Around Us.pdf

  28. SCIENCE Staying Safe in the Sun matching activity (page 3).pdf

  29. summer flowers spotting sheet.pdf

  30. KS1 RE Looking After Each Other.ppt

  31. ENGLISH summer poem photo pack.pptx

  32. ENGLISH Summer Poem PowerPoint.pptx

  33. KS1 Geography.pptx

  34. KS1 Music .pptx

  35. SCIENCE Seasonal Change.pptx