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Equality Duty

Please read our Equality Policy and Accessibility Plan below.

For further information on the Equality Act 2010 follow the link below.



Collaborative Learning Trust Equality and Diversity Charter

infographic showing Trust Equality and Diversity Charter areas

In June 2024, after a year-long process which began with our student leaders from the Trust coming together and collaborating, we launched our Trust Equality and Diversity Charter. This is a living document, which everyone in our Trust works together to embed in our daily practice. You can read about the launch here.

We want all schools in the Collaborative Learning Trust to be harmonious, inclusive places where every individual can thrive and reach their full potential because differences are celebrated, inequality is eradicated, and discrimination is systematically addressed.

Our Equality & Diversity Charter is underpinned by the values of our Trust and covers six key areas: an inclusive culture; opportunities for all to flourish; engaging the wider community; preventing/tackling bully ing/discrimination; a diverse, inclusive curriculum; leadership commitment. The Charter is available to download below.